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Teacher's Aide
Certificate Program

What Will You Learn in this Teacher's Aide Certificate Program?


This certificate combines some of the core courses in the Education Certificate of Achievement - TA fieldwork in the schools, as well as additional courses in working with students who have learning differences and in the teaching of reading. Students who complete this program will be well qualified to serve as teachers’ aides in classrooms from kindergarten to high school and adult education.


These 18 instructional units will qualify students for the DAST Teacher’s Aide Certificate of Achievement. Students will need to complete a DAST Teacher’s Aide application. This certificate program will provide an assistant teacher in licensed childcare and primary or secondary schools with basic knowledge in early childhood care and education.

     Required Courses:


  • Introduction to early Childhood Education

  • Child Development

  • Principles of Early Childhood Curriculum

  • Assessment and Guidance

  • Health, Nutrition, and Safety

  • Child - Family - Community


Karl Davidson, D.D., MBA, BS.OMA.LTR

Principal & School’s Education Coordinator or

Your Online Instructors

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Dr. Karl Davidson

(Ph.D. Student - Liberty University), D.D., MBA, BS

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Dr. Dorinda E. Dean

D.D., Ph.D.; M.Th., J.P.

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

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Child Development Course

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Principles of Early Childhood Curriculum

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Nutrition, and


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Family, and


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Course Cost
Payment Plan
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